Fine Art


A more detailed look...

Currently the Sample Gallery is displaying some of my older pieces. Some clearly explore botanical features such as plants & leaves. Others may evoke different responses from the viewer; perhaps the essential solitary human condition, yet others, the back & forth between the highs & lows of human emotion.  

The opposite picture is a particular favourite of mine: I rarely plan my watercolour paintings, preferring to collaborate with the paint as it flows enchantingly across and into the paper; I work with the organic images that emerge from the fluid paint, until I feel each piece is done. The flowers opposite, needed only minimal manipulation to become what the viewer now can see. The delicate stems and their leaves seem to dance to some viewers.. 'Dancing Tulips' one viewer suggested. How lovely.

What Can You See?

At first glance, the picture opposite appears to be simply non-representational; there is nothing clearly identifiable from the real world. And yet, when people start to look at my pen & ink work, they get excited, expressing their ability to see figures or animals, for example. Each person responds according to their own viewpoint, quite literally. 

These works are, almost always, built outwards, from a word or phrase, the shapes of the letters informing the rest of the piece; they are the very foundation of each pen stroke that follows, and yet become the hidden meaning, layered deep within the whole.

One of my upcoming projects will be a series of paintings entitled 'The Resilience of Nature', inspired by the slow but encouraging regrowth of the Australian forests, and the heartening recovery signs of the local wildlife. Despite everything, I want my work to provide hope for the future, for all living beings and for our precious planet, on which we live.